Stick Battle | 19/12/2019

Stick Battle was my first large project in Unity. Before I'd mainly been doing tutorials and learning C#. Its basically a clone of Stick Fight, but with inspiration taken from one of my childhood favourite flash games - Raze.

A demonstration of the game

Stick Battle was, as well as being my first large project, my first attempt at doing something multiplayer - and even with UNET I found it quite difficult to understand where I was going wrong and hard to debug my code. Looking back, I should have definitely built up my networking experience with some smaller projects / tests before jumping right into a full game.

On the plus side, creating Stick Battle really helped me refine my code. Looking at the first few scripts compared to the last ones, there is a clear positive difference. Furthermore, I became a lot more consistent and started to focus more on code maintainability, as Stick Battle (unlike my previous projects) wasn't a one and done kind of thing - I had to keep coming back to it for many months.

Looking back, there are still many things that could be improved. If I had to make Stick Battle again, I'd definitely take a lot more time to plan and think about how my networking solution was going to work - this would have saved a lot of time.

That all being said, I'm happy with Stick Battle's final state and I'm excited to work with multiplayer again in the future - especially if Unity updates their networking solution - as multiplayer games are my favourite.